
Java has become the most popular choice for object-oriented programming and is one of the most used languages in the world.

Java has become the most popular choice for object-oriented programming and is one of the most used languages in the world. Also, there are many Java-based frameworks available for the developers that are used for making lives easy.

Main reasons why we choose Java for our server development

  • Rich infrastructure/ecosystem that allows to solve almost any business goal.
  • Simplicity: Developers find it easy to learn.
  • It‘s a fully object-oriented programming language.
  • The language enables automatic garbage collection and simple memory management, besides, features like generics. All of these make it a robust language.
  • Static type-checking at compile-time and runtime checking make it a highly secure language.
  • Compilation into bytecodes enable Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to execute the code fast, hence Java offers high performance.
  • Java allows multi-threading.
  • You can run it in any system with a JVM. This portability is a major advantage.

There are many Java-based frameworks available for the developers that are used for making lives easy. Java Frameworks can be defined as the bodies of pre-written code to which you are allowed to add your own code for solving a domain-specific problem. You can use a framework by making calls to its methods, inheritance or supplying callbacks, listeners etc.

Java Programming Frameworks all have the same syntax and can work with a similar concept, terms, and paradigms. With the help of frameworks, we can focus on the business logic of our apps, not on the writing basic functionalities like database connection or handling execption.

Fabware wurde 2004 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Zürich Schweiz und ein eigenes Entwicklungszentrum in Charkow Ukraine. Unser erfahrenes Entwicklerteam konzipiert, erstellt und betreibt mobile Anwendungen und Weblösungen. Für unsere Kunden bieten wir auch alle damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen wie Hosting, Betrieb und Unternehmensintegration an.


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